I surfed around and looked at all the STAR BOM's on others' blogs and they are terrific! wonderful job ladies!! I do believe everyone has made wonderful choices for colors. I am looking forward to the next block!
I passed the week away sewing, hanging out, or visiting family. I think our enthusiasm went down the tubes, no rains in our area in two weeks--oh boohoo--this is Monsoon season ans I am wondering where they went..most of July almost led me to believe I was living someplace else...
I sure am glad last week is over..many of you know our niece passed away in her sleep at age 37 of unknown causes (toxicology results not back yet). The services were wonderful and it was a bright warm morning..She is going to be missed.
presently working on Judy's B O M, a 5 1/2 inch Dresden plate (well, will make 110 when all is said and done) , a dear Jane, the TB club big quilt and quarterly projects, a couple crazy quilt projects and a civil war era quilt...there are other wips but I dont believe I need name them all--you get the idea!